that will make you a stronger person
In 1914, Thomas Edison's lab burned down, and years'
worth of his work was destroyed. This could easily be described as the worst
thing to happen to Edison, but the inventor instead chose to see it as an
energizing opportunity that forced him to rebuild and re-examine much of his
work. Edison reportedly said at the
time: "Thank goodness all our mistakes were burned
up. Now we can start again fresh."
"In a world that we don't control, tolerance is
obviously an asset," Ryan Holiday, author of the forthcoming The Obstacle
Is The Way, told The Huffington Post. "But the
ability to find energy and power from what we don't control is an immense
competitive advantage."
He's talking about mental
strength, a difficult-to-define psychological concept
that encompasses emotional intelligence, grit, resilience, self-control, mental
toughness and mindfulness. It's something that Edison had in spades, and it's
the reason that some people are able to overcome any obstacle, while others
crumble at life's daily challenges and frustrations.
The ability to cope with difficult emotions and
situations is a significant predictor of our success and happiness. The most
capable individuals in this way are able to turn any obstacle into a source of
growth and opportunity. And while much has been made of what mentally
strong people avoid doing -- things like dwelling on
the past, resenting the success of others and feeling sorry for themselves --
what do they actually do? What tactics do they use to overcome
adversity time and time again?
"Things that we think are obstacles are actually
opportunities to do something," says Holiday. "[To] be rewarded in
some way that we never would have expected, provided that we address and don't
shirk from that obstacle."
Here are 9
essential habits and practices of mentally strong people that can help you get
through any challenge or hardship.
1.They see
things objectively.
There's a maxim in the ancient philosophy of Stoicism,
"There is no good or bad, there is only perception," which was later
echoed in Shakespeare's famous line, "There is nothing either good or bad,
but thinking makes it so."
The way we perceive a situation has a tremendous power
to either help or harm us. So often, we react emotionally and project negative
judgments onto a situation, when the first key to overcoming a challenge is to
see things objectively.
"You can have the greatest plan in the world, but
if you don't see the situation clearly, it doesn't matter," says Holiday.
Holiday studied countless examples through history of
individuals who overcame obstacles that would seem completely insurmountable to
most of us, from being falsely accused of triple murder to intense
discrimination based on race or sex. He found that mental toughness came down
to three things: Perception, action, and will.
"What's required [for mental strength] is some
sort of philosophical framework that allows you to look past your emotions or
what your first impressions of a situation might be," Holiday said.
"So the elements of that are, 1) Your perception. Can you see things
clearly and evenly? 2) Can you think about creative or out of the box kinds of
solutions or actions? And finally, what is the kind of determination or will
you can apply that action to the situation with?"
2. They let go of entitlement.
We all deserve happiness, but we don't deserve
a life free from obstacles or setbacks. An attitude of entitlement -- thinking
that we deserve to get what we want most or all of the time -- can make it much
more difficult to deal with challenges when they come around and take you by
surprise. This is a particularly common roadblock for Generation Y, according
to Gen Y expert Paul Harvey, assistant professor of management at the
University of New Hampshire, who observed
that many Millennials have "unrealistic
expectations and a strong resistance toward accepting negative feedback."
"Generation Y was sold a certain mindset about
how the world was going to be at any and all times," agrees Holiday.
"In previous times, the framework that people were given was not just a
humbler one, but one that understood how unpredictable and inexplicable the
world could be."
Mentally strong people recognize that their entire
life plans, and life itself, could be derailed at any moment -- and they don't
waste their effort feeling wronged by destiny when things don't quite go their
3. They keep an even keel.
Mental strength is not so much about always being
happy as it is about "keeping an even keel at any and all times,"
says Holiday.
Emotional stability and the ability to keep a cool
head is an enormous asset when it comes to dealing with challenging situations.
Fortunately, emotional stability tends to increase with age -- and it should
come as no surprise that we become
happier as a result.
4. They don't aspire to be happy all the time.
Excessive preoccupation with happiness can actually
lead to an unhealthy attitude towards negative emotions and experiences.
Mentally strong people don't try to avoid negative emotions -- rather,
accepting both positive and negative emotions and letting different feelings
coexist is a key component
of resiliency.
"We so value optimism and happiness and all these
positive traits, which are themselves abstractions, that we get caught by
surprise and can't deal with their opposite," says Holiday. "If we
were more middle of the road, things would be better and we'd be able to take
advantage of the things that happen to us because there's more objectivity."
Australian social researcher Hugh Mackay argues that
our cultural obsession with happiness can be dangerous, and that instead of
worrying about being happy, we should concern ourselves with being whole.
"The idea that everything we do is part of the pursuit
of happiness seems to me a really dangerous idea and has led to a contemporary
disease in Western society, which is fear of sadness," Mackay writes in The Good
Life. "Wholeness is what we ought to be
striving for and part of that is sadness, disappointment, frustration, failure;
all of those things which make us who we are. Happiness and victory and
fulfillment are nice little things that also happen to us, but they don't teach
us much."
5. They're realistic optimists.
Mentally tough people make a habit of getting up after
they fall. Instead of getting upset, feeling hopeless and giving up in the face
of obstacles, they take the opportunity to put on their thinking caps and come
up with a creative solution to the problem at hand. Mentally strong people tend
to be realistic
optimists -- they have the hopefulness of optimists
and the clarity of pessimists -- which gives them both the motivation and the
critical thinking required to come up with creative solutions.
"Every time [realistic optimists] face an issue
or a challenge or a problem, they won't say 'I have no choice and this is the
only thing I can do,'" researcher
Sophia Chou told LiveScience. "They
will be creative, they will have a plan A, plan B and plan C."
6. They live in the present moment.
Being present -- rather than dwelling on the past or
anticipating the future -- allows you to see things as they really are. Whether
or not they have a formal meditation or mindfulness practice, mentally strong
people tend to have a mindful, attentive way of engaging with the world.
"You could call it being in the zone, you can call
it whatever you want, but the idea is that if you're focused exclusively on one
thing in front of you, you're not bringing baggage to that situation and you're
considering only the variables that matter," says Holiday.
The science has demonstrated that mindfulness really
can boost your brain power. Mindfulness practice has been linked with emotional
stability, reduced stress and anxiety,
and improved
mental clarity.
7. They're persistent in the pursuit of their goals.
We've all heard inspiring stories of amazingly
successful people who overcame significant hardships and failures to get there.
They're exhibiting one of the most fundamental qualities of resilient people:
Perseverance, or as psychologist Angela Lee Duckworth puts it, grit.
In her studies of students in a number of different
educational environments, Duckworth found that grit more than any other single
quality (IQ, emotional intelligence, good looks, physical health) accounts for
students' success. She also studied teachers and workers in various
professional environments to determine what accounted for their success.
"In all those different contexts, one factor
emerged as a secret to success, and it wasn't social intelligence, good looks,
physical health or IQ. It was grit," Duckworth
said in a TED talk. "Grit is passion or
perseverance for very long-term goals. Grit is having stamina. Grit is sticking
with your future, day in and day out -- not just for a day, not just for a
month, but for years -- to make that future a reality."
8. But they know when it's time to let go.
A mentally strong person can say to themselves,
"I tried everything I could in this situation, and now I can let it
go," says Holiday. Just as important as perseverance is the ability to
recognize that you can control only your own actions -- not the
results of those actions. Accepting this fact allows us to resign to the things
that are beyond our power.
There's an idea in Stoicism, Holiday explains, called
the "art of acquiescence," which is yielding to the things that you
can't change and making the best of them, rather than allowing them to upset or
frustrate you. We need strength, determination and perseverance, but these
aren't the answer in every situation. The mentally strong person lives by
the Serenity
Prayer -- they change what they can control,
accept what they can't control, and know the difference between the two.
"Sometimes, the solution to the problem is to
accept the problem and to bend yourself around that problem rather than
crashing yourself repeatedly into it until you break," says Holiday.
9. They love their lives.
Amor fati is a Latin term that
translates to "love of fate," a concept derived from the ancient
Greek and Roman Stoic philosophers that later reemerged in the work of
Nietzsche. And it's perhaps the single most important key to mental strength.
"The idea is that you don't just have to tolerate
the things you can't control -- they could be the greatest things that ever
happen to you," says Holiday. "You can find the joy in not just
accepting, but in embracing the things that happen to you."
Mentally strong people are grateful and appreciative
of obstacles because of the simple fact that obstacles are life itself. Shortly
before her death, Seattle-based author Jane Lotter left
that advice with her family in a powerful
self-written obituary.
As Lotter put it, "May you always remember that
obstacles in the path are not obstacles, they ARE the path."
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The article was posted by Carolyn Gregoiref,
On: https://www.huffpostbrasil.com
On: https://www.huffpostbrasil.com
Original title: The 9 Essential Habits Of Mentally Strong People