Learning English as a second language offers many benefits in today’s business world not only as a means to communicate with people on the other side of the world but it serves to show a person’s intelligence too. When a person is willing to commit to learn what has become known as the International language of today’s modern world it shows they want to be a success. Below are just a few reasons why it is so important to be able to speak English and to speak it well.

- English is the most commonly accepted language used when people from various different countries get together for conferences, debates as well as social gatherings. This is why it is so important to be able to speak English, not only will it give you an advantage work wise, but on a social level your lifestyle will be enhanced too

- English is the most commonly accepted language used when people from various different countries get together for conferences, debates as well as social gatherings. This is why it is so important to be able to speak English, not only will it give you an advantage work wise, but on a social level your lifestyle will be enhanced too

- When it comes to technology, it’s mainly the English speaking regions of the world that are at the forefront of many important innovations, although other countries too are pushing the boundaries of technology. However, all the work is carried out based on using the English language

- When it comes to the sciences, again English is the accepted language used throughout the world. Should you wish to get ahead in a job that’s science related, you would need to have mastered the English language to a high level of both speaking, reading and writing

- Many European countries, namely Germany, Denmark, the Netherlands, Sweden and Norway have all adopted English as a second language.
- Having English as a second language opens up many work opportunities no matter what ethnicity, colour or background a person comes from

- Being able to speak English allows parents to teach their own children to speak the language from an early age, making it that much easier for the children to get to grips with the grammar, vocabulary and idiosyncrasies of the language. This is one of the important reasons why it is so important to be able to speak English because it means your children will benefit too

- Having English as a second language often means a person can command more in the way of salary

Source: KSE

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