What's Wrong With Being Different?
It’s easy to stay focused on the negative aspects of being different. Thinking of the negatives about your situation is the natural response. However, dwelling on the negative is usually harmful to your mental health and well-being. Instead, try to see the positives of being different and focus on these things; you’ll notice a drastic difference in your outlook on life.
It’s easy to stay focused on the negative aspects of being different. Thinking of the negatives about your situation is the natural response. However, dwelling on the negative is usually harmful to your mental health and well-being. Instead, try to see the positives of being different and focus on these things; you’ll notice a drastic difference in your outlook on life.
are many advantages of being different mentioned by those whom we interviewed
with a variety of differences. I asked everyone in the study to list several
benefits of being different and I chose the most frequently mentioned elements
for each category. I list just a few of the benefits from each category here in
this post.
start with the one closest to my heart: being a short male. If you are tall,
you may want to skip this section just like the short people may want to skip
the section for tall people. Again, these replies are taken verbatim from
interviews with people in each category.
Advantages of Being a
Short Male
- "Legroom on an airplane or bus is never a problem for
- "I never have to worry about hitting my head on things like
- "I often look younger (which becomes an especially good thing
as I age)."
- "People feel less threatened by me."
Advantages of Being a
Tall Woman
- "I have athletic
- "I can see over the heads of many other people in a
- "I stand out."
- "I can walk faster because I have longer legs."
Advantages of Being a
Different Race/Ethnicity
- "It’s great to feel unique in a homogenous society."
- "It’s great to have tan skin."
- "I can connect with people who speak my language."
- "I stand out in a crowd."
Advantages of Being
- "I can fit into clothes in the kids section and the junior's
department, which doubles my selection!"
- "Weighing less makes it easier to participate in sports and
physical activities."
- "I can fit through narrow spaces."
- "I can stick my arm down the sink to get stuff out of the
garbage disposal."
Advantages of Being Overweight
- "More to love!"
- "People view me as being loveable."
- "People like me to give them tight hugs."
- "People view me as a protector."
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The article was posted by: Nathaniel Lambert
Original title: The Many Advantages of Being Different
9 comentários:
It’s good to be diferent. You’re noticed by everyone. You’re the center of attention. It rocks!
Quem não nasceu diferente, gosta de se fazer diferente. Hoje temos pessoas com cabelo verde, rosa, azul, tatuagens sobre todo o corpo, piercings, etc. Elas querem ser diferentes e ponto!
Gostei das vantagens de ser baixinho... Usufruo delas mas nunca tinha visto escrito. Kkkkk
Concordo com o leitor acima: ninguém acerta a idade que tenho, porque sou baixinho. Pelo menos essa vantagem eu levo, né?
OK gente! Entendo essas vantagens. Mas, ainda não sei lidar com minha altura. Sou alta demais e não me sinto bem junto com minhas amigas que têm todas estatura mediana. Eu sofro com isso.
Eu uso minha altura para ganhar dinheiro: sou jogador de basketball. Vamos tirar vantagem da diferença.
Somos todos iguais independentemente da cor da pele. Racismo é coisa do passado e hoje podemos ver até um negro ser eleito presidente dos Estados Unidos.
Bem divertido e muito útil esse artigo. Coloca “pra cima” as pessoas que não sabem lidar com essas diferenças. Estou aprendendo....
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