How to be stronger

How to be stronger

Weakness, emotional strength and life problems
If you want to become strong in the face of life problems then you must first understand the thing that makes you weak for if you managed to get rid of your weaknesses you will become a strong person.
Here are the main factors that make people weak in the face of life problems
  • Strength and Attachment: The more you become attached to something the weaker you become. Don't get me wrong, i am not asking you to give up your dreams or goals but what i am trying to say is that when you find one road blocked you must be strong enough to let go of it and to look for another road. One of the main reasons most people are not strong when it comes to relationships is the attachment they develop. In my book How to get over anyone in few days I explained that the main reason people don't recover from breakups quickly is the extreme attachment they develop towards their relationships. Once those people get rid of this attachment they become strong and find that letting go became an easy task
  • Strength and knowledge: Most people don't understand that one of the most powerful things that can make them strong in the face of adversity and life problems is knowledge. Think about if for a minute, don't you notice that the reason most people feel helpless is that they don't know what to do?? The more you know about life, the more skills you have and the more tricks you can do the more powerful you will become in the face of life problems. Depression itself can be the result of lack of knowledge. Depression is nothing more than a state of loss of hope a person reaches when he finds no other way to get what he really wanted. Knowledge is power, that's one of the most true statements you will come across
  • Strength and courage: There is no doubt that in order to be strong in life you need to be brave but i am not talking about the type of courage that lets you stand your ground in a fight. I am talking about the kind of courage that would prevent you from escaping to bad habits, drugs, over eating, sleeping, smoking or even a relationship instead of facing your problems. Weak people are the ones who run from their problems while strong ones are the ones who face their life problems as soon as they encounter them
  • Your belief system: That's one of the most powerful factors that can either make you really strong in life or can make you the weakest person on the planet. A single limiting belief such as life in unfair or i am a loser can turn the strongest person alive to the weakest person who ever existed
How to be strong in the face of life adversity
Now that you understood the previous facts its time to come up with a plan that can help you be strong in the face of life adversity.
When you face tough times or big problems the following is a great action plan that can help you move forward and become strong:
  • Let go: A weak person becomes attached to his past and unable to move on while a real strong person decides to let go and to find another way to get what he wants or even a better alternative
  • Educate yourself: Each and every new problem you face might require some additional knowledge that you don't currently posses. In order to be really strong in life you need to be able to acquire the right knowledge you need to solve your problems
  • Fix your belief system: Once you believe you can do something nothing can stop you but the problem is that you will never be able to have such a belief before you get rid of the other limiting beliefs you have in your mind
  • Don't run: You can never become strong if you run from your problems. Don't fall prey to self deception because sometimes your mind will provide you with an escapement method that is so stealth to be noticed in order to help you escape without feeling guilty. For example some people who fear social life start to develop internet addiction not because they like the internet but because it helps them find an excuse to escape from their problems without feeling bad
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 The article was posted by: M.Farouk Radwan
 Original title: How to be strong in life

15 comentários:

Cris disse...

Excelente artigo. Mas o difícil é colocar em prática.

Unknown disse...

Conforme dito pelo autor, devemos colocar um sorriso no rosto e “fingir” que estamos mais fortes que ontem? Entendi direito???

Nadir disse...

Concordo com o artigo quando diz que quando uma porta se fecha à nossa frente, outra se abre. Lei Divina incontestável.

Unknown disse...

How to be stronger? Take my advice – have lots of vitamin. That’s the only way!!! Kkkkk

Carmen disse...

Dependendo do porte dos problemas eles nos enfraquecem mesmo. Só o tempo vai nos dar forças para superá-los.

Bruna disse...

É verdade. Os fracos estão sempre conectados aos fatos passados. Não conseguem perceber que “a fila anda”....

Unknown disse...

Enquanto vivermos, teremos problemas. Eles fazem parte da vida. Não existe milagre.

Unknown disse...

Livrar-se de crenças antigas, que atravessam gerações, pode realmente ser de altíssima ajuda.

Unknown disse...

Lendo esse artigo, vejo um amigo meu refletido em alguns pontos. A frase que ele mais usa frente aos problemas é: Não é justo!

Unknown disse...

Geralmente quando terminamos um relacionamento ficamos fragilizadas, deprimidas. Mas isso não necessariamente quer dizer que somos fracas, é só naquele momento.

Unknown disse...

If you don’t mind my saying: knowledge is power but ignorance is bliss. Sorry!

Unknown disse...

Será que sou eu a descrita no último parágrafo? Não tenho vida social e estou conectada à internet 24 hs/dia. Preocupante!

Teresa Martins disse...

Conforme diz o artigo, a decisão certa pode ser amarga demais para os interesses de quem a está tomando. Daí ....

Unknown disse...

100% de acordo no tocante a “kowledge”. Temos que estar sempre aprendendo maneiras de resolver nossos conflitos materiais/emocionais.

Unknown disse...

Certíssimo!!! É preciso ter coragem para enfrentar os problemas tão logo eles apareçam. Nada de correr deles porque eles vão nos alcançar.

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