Quitters never
all heard the saying before: Winners never quit, and quitters never win. So,
why is it so easy for so many people to quit on their goals? The answer is
simple: It’s easy.
harder choice would be to push through the obstacles and the challenges. Facts
are in, more people will fail at success than succeed. More people will fail at
their fitness goals than succeed. More people will fail at their marriages than
succeed. More people fail in college than succeed!
failure rate at anything and everything seems to be higher than the success
rate. It comes down to one thing: Those who make it just never quit, and those
who don’t quit too soon.
if Thomas Edison gave up on his attempt to improve the light bulb? What if
Michael Jordan quit when he got cut from his high school basketball team? What
if Martin Luther King quit on his march for freedom when things got a little
would we be as a society if the leaders from our pasts quit on the greatness
they pursued in their lives that have changed and affected so many lives
my career, I’ve learned a very important lesson I will continue to carry with
me: The only way to fail at anything is to quit.
great Napoleon Hill once wrote,
Most great people have
attained their greatest success just one step BEYOND their greatest setback and
leads me to believe that most people have failed and quit right before their
greatest achievement was about to occur. Often, there was just one more step
needed. If you aim to achieve some sort of greatness in your life, the task
will not be an easy one, and you’ll want to quit multiple times.
before you do, remember a few key points:
you were happy with your life in the first place, you would have never ventured
on this journey to achieve something greater. When someone pursues success in
life, it’s exciting and empowering at first.
future seems bright, but because everything in life gets mundane after doing it
for so long, once the excitement dies down, the obstacles and challenges start
to feel overwhelming.
paths they expected didn’t have the setbacks and failures they’re now
experiencing, and this is usually the moment when they start doubting whether
they’re doing the right thing.
thing is true in life, and that’s that you cannot control the circumstances,
but you can control your response to them.
you quit, remind yourself what you’re quitting to go back to. Remind yourself
of the life you didn’t enjoy and the situation that didn't make you happy.
Remember why you ventured out for greatness in the first place.
may feel good to revisit at first because it’s where you’re most comfortable. You
won’t have as much pressure, and the challenges may go away temporarily, but
once the dust settles and you realize where you are again, the feeling of not
being satisfied will rise again.
be unhappy again, except this time, you’ll be ridden with guilt and
disappointment because you failed your attempt. The more times you let yourself
quit on your goals, the harder it becomes to continue chasing them.
Armstrong once said,
Pain is temporary. It
may last for a minute, or an hour or a day, or even a year. But eventually, it
will subside. And something else will take its place. If I quit, however, it
will last forever.
yourself what you will be going back to is sometimes enough to push you to move
what most people do will only grant you what most people have. If you want
different results than what most people get, you need to be willing to do what
most people won’t. Not quitting is one of those things.
times get tough, most people choose to quit. If it’s an easy choice to make,
then it’s probably the wrong choice. In life, you constantly face two choices
when opposition comes your way -- the easy choice or the right choice.
most people are busy making the easy choice, challenge and push yourself to
make the right choice. Sure, it’ll be harder, but it’ll get you further ahead
and closer to achieving your goal.
opportunities exist on the roads less traveled. It’s less crowded. And, those
who are there are people who have faced the same challenges and risen above the
occasion and pushed past their own obstacles. What better place to be than in
the vicinity of those looking to achieve the same things in life?
yourself from the conformity of others. Pave your own way. The latter of that
would be to live the same and have the same, therefore, be the same and stay
the same... forever. Remember, the choice is yours.
matter where you are in life, if you’re looking to achieve something great, how
far up you need to climb determines the magnitude of the challenges you will
people look at challenges and grow discouraged without realizing that a
challenge is an invitation to the next level of success in your life. A
challenge is simply a mindset you aren’t used to acknowledging. That’s why they
feel so uncomfortable at times.
the right solutions and getting the right perspective doesn’t change the
challenge; it changes the person pursuing it. Like Abraham Lincoln once said,
We can complain
because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.
all comes down to a matter of perspective. If you’re being challenged, it’s not
the end of the world — it’s the beginning of a new one.
that life wants you to succeed; it wants you to have everything you’ve ever
wanted, but it won't make things easy for you. It wants you to work for it. It
needs to challenge you mentally and shape you to become the caliber of person
who can have that certain type of success in life.
can live your entire life desiring and wanting more and being comfortable with
the mentality and person you are now, or you can allow challenges to change you
and mold you into who you want and need to be in order to achieve your most
desired dreams and goals.
you are not getting ahead in life, you are falling behind. Remember, whatever
you seek is seeking you. But, you have to allow the challenges to shape you. Embrace
them. Accept them. Napoleon Hill said it best,
For every obstacle and
failure carries with it the seed of equivalent benefit or advantage.
you train yourself to find that silver lining in every obstacle? Can you brush
yourself off and go at it again? Do you have what it takes to make the
right choice over the easier choice?
last thing before you quit: Remember that no one else deserves success more
than you.
are all running the same race. You can’t control where you begin, but you can
control where you finish. Some of us have to work harder, dig deeper, seek
longer and push further. But, we are all unique and hold within us a unique
advantage. It’s your job to discover what that is and pursue it with all you
the habit of moving beyond your limitations and fears. When you quit, you are
only quitting on yourself. Before you quit, decide not to. Like the great
Olympian Ruben Gonzalez once said,
Develop the courage to
start, and once you start,
develop the courage to not quit.
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The article was posted by: Sandy El-Rayes
Original title: Quitters Never Win: 3 Things To Remember
Before Throwing In The Towel
14 comentários:
Uma vez foi me dada uma meta no meu antigo trabalho. Todos diziam que era uma meta impossível de ser atingida porém tentei não ligar para o que os outros diziam e foquei em apenas seguir o objetivo, que era atingir a tal meta. E adivinhem: missão cumprida!
“Não sabendo que era impossível, foi lá e fez”. Essa frase foi muito impactante na minha vida, pois boa parte do que consegui era taxada como “impossível” ou “inatingível”. Bem, até poderia ser, mas eu fiz questão de provar o contrário.. rsrs
Muito se fala sobre isso, mas a verdade é que muitos desistem porque não é nada fácil lidar com os fracassos que antecedem a conquista. A sucessão de “nãos” é algo difícil de ser encarado. Exige muita inteligência emocional para você não desistir em cada percalço.
Well, I’ve had a lot of experience in this field, so I can certainly say that if you can´t reach your goals, you have to change your point of view. Sometimes it´s not the way you go through your obstacles but the way you face them.
Tem sido bem difícil lidar com o obstáculo de aprender inglês :/ Essa é minha meta atual e devo dizer que não tem sido fácil. Porém não vou desistir. Já são 2 anos estudando, e prometi a mim mesma que iria ficar fluente nessa língua. E assim vamos em frente.
Acho que o importante é persistir. Persistência é tudo. “Só perde pênalti quem bate” e “só é vice quem chega” são alguns dos exemplos de ditos populares que mostram bem isso. Acredite em você – deixe a modéstia de lado!!!
Não acho exatamente saudável essa comparação como se só houvessem 2 tipos de pessoas: as ganhadoras e as perdedoras. Isso gera um nível de cobrança e ansiedade numa sociedade já carente de valores.
Há alguns anos pude ter melhor ideia sobre isso, quando me propus a estudar para concursos. Estabeleci metas, me matriculei nos mais caros cursos, me abdiquei da vida social, familiar, namorada, esposa, amantes e tudo mais. Fiz tudo para alcançar a tão sonhada estabilidade. Fui reprovado logo na 1ª etapa. Desisti. Acho que tô mais pra “quitter”.. hahaha
Às vezes o caminho parece tortuoso e errado. Porém lá na frente você verá que esse caminho que outrora parecia “errado”, se mostra o certo.
When I first met John I fell in love at first sight and I swore to myself I would marry him someday. He was reluctant because he had been through some bad experiences, but I was sure I could change his mind ... and that was it! We’ve finally gotten married!
Bem, isso tem sido uma tendência, mas não concordo integralmente com o texto. Ele dá a entender que quem não é vencedor, não serve.
Na contramão desse texto temos o best seller “A sutil arte de ligar o foda-se”, livro esse que tem batido recorde de vendas. 99,9% das pessoas não chegam ao topo e não alcançam todos os seus objetivos de vida e esse livro dialoga justamente com essas pessoas.
A lot has been said about this, usually in a comical way, I must say. Treating this matter with some humour could be nice in order to minimize the feeling of being a loser. We have some nice tips like the movie “The Wolf of Wall Street” and the best-seller “Nice girls don´t get the corner office” to help us understand this problem.
Foi difícil, mas talvez por não ter dado atenção ao que as pessoas diziam, eu consegui ir em frente e meses depois, atingi minha meta e consequentemente minha promoção! Brasileiro não desiste nunca!
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